From the discoverer of ‘lacritin’ and cofounder of ‘TearSolutions, Inc’, we now know that lacritin is not only on the eye but also in blood. Further, it is necessary for the health of pancreatic islets, is deficient in type 1 diabetics and prevents stage 2 and early stage 3 type 1 diabetes in preclinical models.
Regenpep’s dual immunomodulatory and regenerative activity is suspected to have broad application. For proof of concept, our initial focus is on type 1 diabetes. Its regenerative activity on human and mouse islets may benefit type 2 diabetics.
An algorithm was created by a former Google Senior Software Engineer. This identified two million candidate therapeutics. Each was screened on a supercomputer through a proprietary in siico screening pipeline for novelty, structure and protease insensitivity. Successes are being subjected to biological validation to form the RegenPep Library. RegenPep introduced preclinically by subcutaneous injection is both: (i) immunomodulatory by blocking the formation of the T- and B- inflammatory cells that attack islet cells, and (ii) regenerative for islet endocrine cells, particularly the insulin secreting beta cells.